The Art of Rebellion features the work of artist at the intersectionality of art, music, fashion, and skateboarding communities and explores the notion of “skater-vision” and how it impacts their lives as well as the world around them.

The Art. The Sport. The Culture.

Skateboarding culture consists of some of the most passionate, creative, ingenious, adaptive and persistent people on the planet. Visit any skate spot in the world and you’ll likely find yourself in the company of an artist, a musician, a craftsman, or a dancer. The overlap of skateboarding, art and music cultures is a world all its own.

Featured Artists

Alexander Mosley | Anthony Greene | Avisualbliss | Barbara Graetzer | Barry Mason | Beau Crum | Benny La Rosa | CES | Cesar Finamori

Curb Your Ego | D.I.A.L.E.K.T.O | Dain | Dalone | Delphine Vacelet | Downer Jones | Ed Castaneda | Ethan Armen | EXR

Frank Mekideche | Henry Marrs | Jacqueline Rivera | Jean-Christophe Teyssier | Joe Sanci | John ‘June1’ Perez | Joseph Boisne

Ken Davis | Kenneth Alexis | Kurt Boone | Lance Johnson | LMCS_R | Mario One | Nicolas Thomas | Nicole Anderson

Noel Hefele | Obadeveloped | Paul Coutherut | Raemann Eviair | Robin Alcantara | Roche | Sean Olson | Sean Sullivan

Shepherd Fairey | Sinclair the Vandal | Snapaway_Stanley | Such | Tabitha McMahon | Tralona Boisne